
Beautiful reports that help you keep the overview

The interactive reports provide you with easy ways to keep track of the answers given by your respondents

Our reports don't just show you the answers, they make sure you keep the overview of answers given at all times. Easily scroll through the answers per question and immediately get the graphs you need to analyze.

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Don't just view your results, make them work for you

The interactive reports provide you with ways to view results per target group

If you are looking to view results of everybody who gave a specific answer (for example everybody who rated the experience with a 10 out of 10), you only have to click once to see which other answers this group of people has given. Make your reports work for you!

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Group people based on preference

Easily create target groups based on people's opinion, preference, expectation or experience

We make it possible for you to create target groups based on people's preferences. Send every who was happy about his/her experience an email with a special offer for the future or just thank people who took the time to provide you with feedback.

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Create pdf reports or download results in Excel formats

Distribute questionnaire results across your organization or download results for further number crunching

You can download your gathered feedback results in XLS or CSV format for further number crunching. Next to that, you can also download your reports as PDF file so you can easily circulate them across your organization and get everyone involved.

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Get started today!

The easiest way to discover all about Hugo is to sign up for a free account and try out every feature yourself. You are free to create questionnaires, upload existing database you might have and send out free email campaigns. Play around with the drag & drop email editor and see for yourself why other event companies all decided to work with us!